The role of „Aidshilfe Hamburg“ – Services, Challenges and Perspectives. Interview with TopAfric.
HIV/AIDS is a combined term that reflects two distinct stages of the infection. HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, weakens the immune system by attacking the cells that fight infection. It is spread through contact with certain bodily fluids from an infected person, most often through unprotected sex. If left untreated, HIV can advance to AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, which represents a severe stage of HIV infection where the immune system is significantly compromised.
Raising awareness about HIV/AIDS is crucial. On the show „Culture in Diversity“ hosted by Naadia on Radio TopAfric, Mr. Omer Idrissa Ouedraogo, Managing Director of Aidshilfe Hamburg, discussed the organization's efforts to support both people living with HIV/AIDS and the general public. Aidshilfe Hamburg targets a diverse range of groups, including drug users, youth, individuals living with HIV/AIDS, LGBTQI+, professionals of sex, trans gender, as well as individuals with a migration background. The organization's initiatives focus on raising awareness and addressing the needs of these groups. Mr. Omer highlighted a significant issue: people living with HIV often face racism and discrimination within the healthcare system, with appointments being canceled or delayed due to their HIV status, skin colour, or religion. Research shows that this exclusion is a real problem in Germany.
In response, Aidshilfe Hamburg is working to combat HIV-related discrimination and racism, and improve access to health promotion. According to Mr. Omer, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) estimates that around 7,000 people in Hamburg are living with HIV. The organization employs various awareness-raising strategies, including prevention programs and sex education in schools. Additionally, Aidshilfe Hamburg has health ambassadors from the migrant community who engage in outreach efforts to reduce stigma. They also offer education and training on HIV/AIDS and welcome volunteers to support their mission. Another major challenge, the organization is confronted with on regular basis, is the access to all. People without valid residency status should be able to access HIV therapy without fear.
To support their work, Aidshilfe Hamburg is hosting a charity concert on 22nd September to raise funds for their initiatives. For further insights on the interview with Mr. Omer Idrissa Ouedraogo, Managing Director of Aidshilfe Hamburg kindly follow
Story, Text an Picture: Naadiatu-Bagigah Bawah
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